EyePrintPro IN NEW YORK CITY, New York
Imagine a scleral lens that’s designed & molded to your eye to help with eye conditions including keratoconus, astigmatism, and dry eye. EyePrintPro provides treatment for those with severe corneal irregularity.
The EyePrintPRO™ is a prosthetic scleral cover, used to improve vision by creating a smooth new surface for the eye. This new surface aids in improving vision in those with irregular corneas, as the scleral shell allows light to properly reflect into the eye. Each EyePrintPRO™ is unique to each patient, much like a fingerprint.
EyePrintPRO™ was designed for patients with severe corneal irregularity.
EyePrintPRO™ is used for patients who live with the following conditions:
- keratoconus
- irregular astigmatism
- ocular surface disease (dry eye)
- trauma
- extreme cases of deformed eyes
- Pellucid marginal degeneration
- chemical burns
- post-surgical corneas (including corneal transplants and post LASIK ectasia)
- pinguecula or pterygium
- and stem cell failure.
How does EyePrintPRO™ work?
The process begins with a consultation from your eye doctor to ensure that EyePrintPRO™ is the right solution for you. Once your doctor has determined that you are a good fit for EyePrintPRO™, the fitting process will begin. The EyePrint Impression Process only takes minutes and can be done in office.
This procedure is gentle, and extremely accurate. Once your precise fit has been determined, your EyePrint Impression information is shipped to EyePrint Prosthetics LLC for digitizing and prosthetic scleral cover shell design. Using advanced 3D scanning and computer technology, an exact match is created to fit your unique cornea and sclera.
How is EyePrintPRO™ different from scleral lenses?
The EyePrintPRO™ is similar to a scleral lens in many ways, but it does differ in other ways. The biggest difference is in the design process. While the scleral lens is fitted to your eye through a trial-and-error process, the EyePrintPRO™ is designed from actual measurements from your individual eye. EyePrintPRO™ is created by taking an impression of the eye, the same way a prosthetic eye is created. This results in a highly individualized, more comfortable fit for our patients.